Professor Ella Arensman has conducted research into a wide range of topics relating to suicide, self-harm and public mental health for over 35 years. She has published extensively in scientific peer reviewed journals and international textbooks, and she fulfils an advisory role on many national and international steering groups, and editorial boards.
As head of UCC's School of Public Health, Research Professor at UCC, and Chief Scientist with the National Suicide Research Foundation, she has established an extensive research programme in suicide prevention research and public mental health.
She has fulfilled multiple leadership roles at national and international level, including President of the International Association for Suicide Prevention and Vice President of the European Alliance Against Depression. She is an Expert Advisor for the World Health Organization, Co-Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Surveillance and Research in Suicide Prevention and Visiting Professor with the Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention, Griffith University, Brisbane.
In these roles, she has initiated numerous national and international interdisciplinary research consortia on suicide/self-harm surveillance, intervention and prevention programmes for suicide, self-harm, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, personality disorders and excess mortality among people with mental health conditions.